Monday, March 23, 2009


Barack Hussein Obama hates Sarah Heath Palin because she poses the greatest threat to his winning a second term (and third-term, apparently) as President of the U.S. When John McCain named Sarah as his running mate, the McCain-Palin team surged to the lead in the national polls. They stayed ahead until the economy began collapsing on September 15.

Is this man capable of calling Sarah Palin names? Actually, he's the one who threw his own grandmother under the bus, absurdly comparing her to Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

Barack Hussein Obama hates Sarah Heath Palin because she poses the greatest threat to his winning a second term (and third-term, apparently) as President of the U.S. When John McCain named Sarah as his running mate, the McCain-Palin team surged to the lead in the national polls. They stayed ahead until the economy began collapsing on September 15.

When Sarah Palin surfaced on the national scene, Obama sent an army of lawyers to Alaska. Their mission was summed up by one blogger: "Democrats Desperately Trying to Dig Up Dirt to Destroy Palin." At the same time, Obama and his minions began slinging mud and hurling slurs at Gov. Palin.

Someone recently questioned my claim that Barack Hussein Obama had called Sarah Heath Palin "a pig." I cite two news outlets below -- I could have cited 50 -- who believe Obama was referring to Gov. Palin when he made his "you can put lipstick on a pig" comment. (Google: "Barack Obama" + "lipstick on a pig" to see exactly who was the target of his reference.)

When Obama made the statement, no person in America was more associated with "lipstick" than Gov. Palin. In the same way, when Obama was speaking about primary opponent Hilary Clinton and made an obscene gesture with his middle finger, he wasn't merely exercising his digit.

How did Obama's audience react when he made the lipstick=pig reference? According to a NY Post reporter in attendance: "Many in the Obama crowd leaped to their feet in delight - apparently taking the 'pig' comment as a direct slam at Palin."

How was the slur interpreted overseas? The Telegraph in the U.K. had the following headline: "Barack Obama's 'lipstick on a pig' remark prompted by Sarah Palin?" [See:

The Telegraph added, "Perhaps Barack Obama's "lipstick on a pig" remark tumbled out of his mouth prompted by Sarah Palin's own remark about lipstick distinguishing a hockey mom from a pit-bull."

As illustrated by his comments and gestures in regard to both Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin, Obama is a certifiable sleazebag. Maybe it comes from being a long-time Chicago politician and a lifelong misogynist.

Is Obama the worst President? He's off to a "good start." Is he the sleaziest? No contest. He might end up making Richard Nixon look like George Washington.

Following is the NY Post story on Obama's remark and how his supporters interpreted it.

GEOFF EARLE, Post Correspondent, Sept. 9, 2008

WASHINGTON - Barack Obama stuck his foot in his mouth today when he said "you can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig" - which the angry McCain campaign immediately charged was an out-of-bounds attack on running mate Sarah Palin.

Obama delivered the line while campaigning in Lebanon, Va., tearing into his rivals for not representing real change.

"You know, you can put lipstick on a pig," Obama said, "but it's still a pig."
He added, "You can wrap an old fish in a piece of paper called 'change.' It's still gonna stink after eight years."

Many in the Obama crowd leaped to their feet in delight - apparently taking the "pig" comment as a direct slam at Palin.

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