Sunday, June 21, 2009

Webathon for Palin's Legal Expenses

I wanted to remind everyone that a fine web site, is holding a "webathon" to enable Gov. Sarah Palin to retire her expenses for the rash of frivolous law suits, all of which have ben dismissed, filed against her by Obama supporters. The Obama-bots, ever irresponsible, ever up for dirty tricks and gutter politics, fear Gov. Palin more than anyone else in the world.

Dr. Jack Wheeler recently predicted that Gov. Palin would win the most electoral votes in 2012 . . . but he added that Obama, ACORN, and the truncheon carrying Black Panthers would try to steal the election. I believe Dr. Wheeler is right on the money in his prediction, but we have a surprise in store for Obama and his mud-slinging minions.

I hope everyone will contribute to the Webathon by going to The minimum contribution is $5 while the maximum is $150. I feel certain in saying that a contribution of any amount will be much appreciated.

Thanks for your continuing support of Gov. Palin. If you make a contribution through the Webathon, please send an e-mail directed to: You're all the greatest.

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