Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Obama Equals Anger, Palin Joy

Thanks to Col. O. P. Ditch of "Vets for Palin," who sent me this picture of Sarah Palin at the big Republican bash last night in DC.

A friend in Illinois wrote me yesterday about the extreme anger he feels at the way Obama and his wrecking crew are demolishing all that's truly good about America. I replied with the following:

Dear Rich, you are not alone in your anger about the way Obama is chewing up and spitting out everything that is good about America. He lacks respect for life, and I'm not just talking about the unborn.

The Good News is that God wins out in the end, but sometimes it's a long journey to the end. Gov. Palin says that her little boy Trig is "perfect." She doesn't mean perfect in the world's sense, but perfect in that he's where God wants him to be and, more than that, he's WHAT God wants him to be.

When I went to the huge Sarah Palin rally in Oct. about 7 miles from where I live, I was one of the "greeters." I probably shook hands with 1,000 people, and there were so many mothers and children there that it just struck me how wonderful an experience this was for them. Sarah brought two of her own children along with her, Willow and Piper, two girls who were getting to see "the rest of America" for the first time. A great experience for me also.

Before the speech, the football coach at Beaver High got up and introduced Sarah and endorsed her. I thought it could be anymore "Western PA" if they tried. The crowd filled up the football stadium (capacity 6,500) and even took up every available space on the field.

1 comment:

Greg said...

I recall back in March that the NRSC/NRCC said they were going to hold their fundraising event at a venue that could seat 6,000, and had the possibility of expanding to 12,000. Now, I hear that only 2,000 people showed up. If they had waited for 2 weeks so that she could confirm her attendance, they would have probably filled the 6,000 and had to open up the expansion area. I've also read that they collected far less money than normal. Who really cares to pay to listen to Gingrich when you can listen to him just about any night of the week on FOX, sometimes 3 times a night. If Palin was the keynote speaker, they would have raised more money.

I'm anxious to see how much money SarahPAC has received, and even more importantly how many donors.