Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Palin Supporters Meeting at CPAC!

I've been asked about when, where, and how much for the Palin Supporters CPAC (Conservative Political Action) Convention meeting in 2010. The best way to get answers to all your questions is to go to the CPAC web site (which also allows for early registration). Conservative Political Action Conference

The next CPAC will be held February 18-20, 2010 at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in Washington D.C.

The cost for attemdomg the three-day CPAC session will be as low as $150 (not including travel and lodging), although you can of course pay more for "status goodies" (e.g., the "presidential" banquet, NOT THIS YEAR FEATURING BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA -- sorry). Costs for students' attending are low.

I'm just thinking off the top of my head about our own meeting(s) at CPAC, but we probably should talk about organizing, fundraising, voter registration, and use of "new media." I very much hope we could get a drop-in from Govenor Palin, but if that's not possible, we can get a member of her family.

Our own "Palinstas" meeting at CPAC (not endless, not unfocused) should get us all working effectively toward the Inauguration of President Sarah Louise Heath Palin in January, 2013.

Between now and the election of 2012, we need to work together as closely and effectively as possible. I expect members of our movement at CPAC to be an extremely diverse group of people and to represent a majority of states. My personal goal will be to help keep your expenses low. I've said one of my intentions for CPAC and the early primaries (IO, NH, NV, and SC) is to purchase a very good sleeping bag. I want all my extra discretionary dollars to go Palln for President (SarahPAC currently).

Trust me, going to Iowa and New Hampshire in the dead of winter, which many Palinstas will do, is not exactly a vacation.

If you write back (TalkTop65@aol.com) with questions or suggestions, I will summarize them all and put them in a return message.(For those who can't attend CPAC in February, there will be a conference call about February 22, 2010.)

The events leading up to Nov., 2012, may be the last mega-political project of my lifetime, and I'm looking ahead with tremendous enthusiasm. God bless you all.

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